An amateur journey of digital recording
Gift Guides

2010 Canon 7D Gift Guide – $100 to $500
Nov 28th
In another installment of the 2010 Canon 7D Gift Guide, We are looking at five products from $100 to $500 in price. Any one of these products would be a great addition to the Canon 7D enthusiast.
Gifts from $100 – $500
The RODE VideoMic is a professional grade shotgun microphone. Based on the latest ‘Film industry’ technology, the VideoMic is designed specifically for use with high quality Digital Video Cameras. It can be plugged directly into your Canon 7D or into an external audio recording device like the Zoom H4n or H1.
I recently purchased this light kit. I thought for the price, it was worth the try. So far, the performance has been great. It does not have adjustable light box orientation (you can build it portrait or horizontal), but for the price, it is a great deal. The light out put is great. If you are doing video podcasting or photography, this is a must have.
This is a great portrait lens as well as a fantastic lens for low-light video. For the money, it is hard to beat.
This is another affordable great prime lens from Canon. With an f-stop of only 1.8, this is a great lens for low-light video. Not to mention, this is a great lens for photography too!

2010 Canon 7D Gift Guide – $25 to $100
Nov 28th
In another installment of the 2010 Canon 7D gift guide, here are some gifs in the price range from $25-$100.
Gifts from $25 – $100
You can never have too much power. While the batteries for the Canon 7D last quite a while. Having a spare on hand is even better. At $60, the price has come down from the initial price and is a reasonably affordable accessory.
The Zeikos battery grip for the Canon 7D is a low-cost alternative to the Canon version. It looks and feels great and provide the ability to have two batteries or 6-AA batteries with the included battery adaptor to power your Canon 7D. You also get the ability to hold the Canon 7D sideways and use the controls on the battery grip to take photos.
This is a great camera bag for the photographer on the go. I have played with other bags (bought them and did not like them) and the SlingShot is the best bag of this type on the market. I put both the old and new version because the new version is slightly over $100 but adds a tripod mount. Not a deal killer for the old one, but something to consider.
The Zoom H4n is one of the best portable audio recorders for the Canon 7D. Here is it’s little brother. You can use it with its onborad microphones or use it with the Audio Technica ATR-3350 Lavalier as a self-contained interview recording system. I do not have one yet but santa is coming soon.
This is the best bang for the buck lens you can buy for any Canon DSLR. This lens is great for both photography and for HD video. Its low-light video performance is awesome.

2010 Canon 7D Gift Guide – $25 and Under
Nov 27th
Here are some great stocking stuffers for your Canon 7D user.
Cheap good quality mini-HDMI to HDMI cable. Enough said.
Hand strap for your Canon 7D. Optimize to work without a battery grip.
Great hand grip for the Canon 7D. Requires a battery pack.
First is a series of two videos on using the Canon 7D.
The Opteka LP-E6 rechargeable lithium-ion 2400mAh battery is a replacement battery for the Canon 7D as well as other Canon DSLRs. According to the manufacturer, this battery is fully compatible (although I have not used one) and will display the battery levels and will take a charge with the Canon charger unlike other aftermarket batteries available. At less than half the price of the Canon LP-E6, it is worth giving it a try.
If you are going to do podcasting or interviews, this little gem sounds great and is a steal! You can plug it directly into the mic input on your Canon 7D or into an externial audio recorder like the Zoom H4n or H1. I recently used this microphone on a project I did for endorsement videos and the result was fantastic.