An amateur journey of digital recording
Posts tagged flickr

How to embed Flickr Slide Shows Easily
May 24th
Sharing pictures on your website can be a pain. Fortunately, there is a free tool called flickrSLiDR. This tool makes embedding a slideshow a snap. Beware that this is a flash generated slide show and will not work on a iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad.
The directions are very simple. All you need is the URL of the set, groups or user. Then set the width and height in pixels. There are some other option choices then click “Create Slideshow”.
The flickrSLiDR will generate code for you to copy and paste into your website or blog. When posting to a blog, make sure that you insert the code in an html format. Here is a link to the tool.

2010 FHS Prom Pictures
May 24th
My daughter had her senior prom last week. I had an opportunity to take some pictures of the kids at a friends house and down at the Cincinnati Union Terminal. The terminal is one of my favorite places in Cincinnati. (I even got married there!) The building styling is Art Deco. I wish I had more time to take photos but…
The pictures were taken using the Canon 7D and the 50mm f1.8 lens. I shot in RAW mode (always do) and did some minor color correction in Aperture 3.
Here is a link to the rest of my favorite photos of the shoot.
Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.